Whether your startup is moving into its first office or you’re looking to improve your company’s current space, artwork should be one of the primary elements of your design. Art can make an impact on both employees and clients, so your selections should be made thoughtfully.

The decor you’ve chosen for your office space can immediately give a powerful impression about your company’s culture and values. The right artwork not only supports these values, but it will also motivate your team and provide an environment they feel comfortable working in. These four tips will help you choose the best pieces for your business.

Choose pieces that reflect your brand identity.

Art that relates to or reflects your company’s values, products or services can reinforce the benefits of what you provide and shape employee and client experiences. These don’t have to be literal reflections of your products. Try looking for art that figuratively reflects your mission, vision, and the spirit of your company.

For example, if your company values a relaxed company culture, consider a seascape or beach-inspired photography piece. In this law office, we used imagery of the surrounding Chicago streets and evening time-lapses to represent their neighborhood and fast-paced industry.

Set the mood for employees.

While impressing clients is important, it’s also imperative to keep in mind that art should be appealing to your employees and set the right mood. Think of the ideal atmosphere you would like to create for your office. Vibrant, dynamic pieces can enhance a space’s energy, which would be ideal for a young startup. In a more established office, you may want to choose art that evokes composure and a calming feeling in neutral colors with an interesting subject.

Get your team’s input.

It’s important to get an interior designer or art dealer’s input when selecting art, but don’t be afraid to get the input of your employees as well. Once you have narrowed it down to the pieces you are considering, you can ask for their opinions or even take a vote. Try asking employees if they have a favorite local artist they would like to see in the office as well.

Choosing the direction you would like to go in with your office space’s art is only the first step. If you’re looking to give your office a fresh look, contact us today.