The Recipe for the Coziest Winter Bed

Here in Chicago, we can’t let the cold winters get us down! Perhaps one of the coziest parts of winter is snuggling up in our warm, comfortable beds at the end of a long day. But did you know there is a recipe for creating the coziest bed possible?

Bedding can be a focal point in your room, and here at Bon Brise Design, we love to give our clients seasonal options. We’ve put together a list of our best step-by-step tips on creating a cozy bed that you, your kids, your partner and even the dogs will love!

  1. Make your base flannel sheets.

Living in a cold climate, it can be comforting to know that, even on the coldest of days, your flannel sheets are at home waiting for you! Staying warm starts at the base. Flannel sheets are soft and their fibers trap heat, allowing you to stay warm all night long.

  1. Use a quilt.

The next step is to add a comfortable quilt. Tuck the quilt over your flannel top sheet with the sheet folded over the head of the quilt.  This provides an additional layer of warmth, so the quilt can be as thick or thin as you like.

  1. Keep an extra blanket close by.

In our house, we always have an extra blanket folded at the foot of the bed during winter. On those nights when you wake up shivering, you will be glad you keep a blanket at your bedside.

  1. Pile up pillows.

There’s even a recipe for the coziest pillow arrangement. Two square shams, two standard pillows and as many throw pillows as you can take.  There always seems to be two sides to this issue among the couples I work with.  It seems that one partner loves lots and lots of pillows, while the other really, really dislikes taking those pillows on and off the bed each night and day. Find a balance that works for you both!

  1. Add a linen duvet.

The duvet is usually the heaviest blanket on your bed, and material is key when choosing the perfect duvet. Linen is the most appropriate because it’s breathable and adaptable. Unlike some other fabrics, linen adjusts to your body’s temperature. This allows it to stay cool if you’re too warm or warm if you’re too cool. We also recommend investing in a quality down comforter as your duvet insert.

  1. Finish it off with a thick throw.

A textured bed is a warm bed. A bulky, knit throw adds a little material difference to your bed spread and is perfect for creating that cozy winter spirit.  By the way, we also keep a throw blanket in our favorite reading nook and in the living room.

  1. Add a rug.

Okay, so this isn’t on your bed, but it’s important! If your bedroom has tile or hardwood floors, there’s nothing less cozy than waking up and placing your feet on cold, hard flooring. Add a large rug to your bedroom underneath your bed to keep your tootsies warm.

  1. Snuggle up!

Done and done.

Looking for more bedroom inspiration? Check out our bedroom Pinterest board!