
Although our Chicago weather belies the fact, we are putting the finishing touches on another fabulous year! We have much to be grateful for. We’ve worked with so many wonderful clients and talented tradespeople, completed a plethora of interesting projects and realized once again how much joy we take in making our clients’ dreams a reality. It is extremely rewarding to have your clients tell you how your work changed their lives! This brings to mind one of my favorite quotes, from architect and furniture designer Charles Eames, “The role of a designer is that of a very good, thoughtful host anticipating the needs of his guests.”

On the personal side, I’m so pleased to say our extended family has grown again. One nephew welcomed a darling baby boy into this world, and another was just married to a lovely young woman in a beautiful ceremony. Life events like these really tie the ribbon around the exciting package that 2015 delivered.

As this year draws to a close, a toast to 2015 and all the good things it brought to us. And remember, to make an end also marks a beginning. Cheers!

Until next time, may you find the extraordinary in every day!
