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Sometimes, your bedroom doesn’t need a complete redesign. It just needs a little refresh! We spend a third of our day in the bedroom, so it should be a serene space we love. Incorporating a few new touches, and doing a bit of spring cleaning, will go a long way. If it’s time to refresh your bedroom, all it takes is an afternoon. So let’s get started!

Start with spring-cleaning
It’s time to clean the winter blues away! If you don’t have much time, focus on vacuuming and dusting. De-cluttering is a spring-cleaning must, so set aside time to go through your closet and drawers.

Get new bedding
Your bed is the centerpiece of your bedroom. If your space is feeling tired, consider updating the duvet cover and sheets. Investing in soft, high-thread-count sheets and bedding is well worth the splurge for a comfortable night’s sleep. Be sure to include both form and function in your bedding search. And don’t forget a few decorative accent pillows to add a punchy touch of color.

Rotate your mattress
Before making your bed with your new bedding, rotate your mattress. It not only helps your mattress last longer, you may find that you sleep more comfortably.

Put away the tech
Sometimes our work emails and calls seem to follow us around. Stop them at the bedroom door! Take electronics, such as your phone, television or laptop, out of the bedroom. If you use your phone as an alarm, invest, instead, in a dedicated alarm clock that you love.

Arrange a vase of flowers
Fresh flowers not only brighten a room, but they also add a wonderful scent. Taking the time to arrange a vase of flowers yourself is a wonderful DIY project, and if you continue to update your flowers weekly and it can become a peaceful routine.

Add your favorite scent
Flowers not your thing? Consider healthy, handmade candles in your favorite springtime scent. You can also use an aromatherapy spray in a soft lavender, which is great for soothing your mind right before bed.

Organize your nightstand
Cluttered nightstands can become a nightmare! How often have you knocked over something when reaching for the alarm? Put away any non-essentials to keep your nightstand clear and clutter free.

Set aside a few hours this weekend to refresh your bedroom! You will have a fresh and organized space that will help you sleep well and live better. We’d love to hear your ideas for refreshing your bedroom. To let us know your ideas, find us on Facebook or tag us on Twitter.