
As we nest into our homes in preparation for winter (should it actually ever arrive here) I’m continuing the discussion of how high to hang lighting and wall décor. Properly installed light fixtures and artwork impact the sense of proportion in the room to create a sense of balance and, thus, visual comfort.

In our last newsletter, we discussed how far above a table a chandelier should be hung. This month, we answer the question of how high to hang décor on a wall. Common knowledge tells us to display artwork at eye level, but what does that mean?

It turns out the perfect height is 57″ to the center of the picture or grouping. This is the measurement that museums and art galleries typically use. This height is perfect for me; I’m 5’4” tall, so I’m usually on the mark if I hang the center of a piece at my eye level. Doing this consistently creates a sense of visually-pleasing continuity, and centers your eye throughout a room.

As with so many aspects of interior design, sometimes it works to break the rules, so there are instances when one might not follow the 57” rule. For example, at the top of a staircase, where there is a small table with a great lamp, it often can work to hang a piece of art low, next to the lamp and a few inches above the table, thus creating an interesting triumvirate.

If you have artwork you’d like to hang in your home, give us a call. We can help create the perfect way to display it all!
